It's been awhile since I have managed to get my hands on some worthwhile PLD item, and after my little drama scene on BG, I didn't think anything exciting would happen again for at least a few weeks. As it turns out, Ararith was off with Tuufless a little while ago trying to leech a DRG or BRD AF item from Apollyon and managed to get the Magenta Chip from the zone (Those crazy BLMs don't have any use for it apparently). For some reason, hearing this seems to have made my Limbus leaders switch gears from 'Ultima' mode, to 'Omega' mode. We decided to put together a run to do Omega, and not only did Ararith get
two more of the chips she needed for a full Omega set, but this scene welcomed us when Omega went down and we opened the chest:
After all was said and done, we have three more happy members, and another 5/5 Homam set. I can't complain. ^^
Assuming all goes well on Tuesday, we will have another Omega set we will use on Saturday. That impresses me, since at least half of this set came on accident, and was assembled in just over a week. No complaints from me about it though...
As far as the points standings are now, I am first for both Homam Feet and Homam Body with literally noone even close to me points wise. I'm hoping feet drop Saturday, since the Body is mostly for show, and just a slight DD upgrade since I can't tank in it, and it has no haste. I must say though, it feels good to finally be 3/5 Homam after waiting for a drop for many months now. Future updates as they become available. (^.^)v