SeraphPDH: Paladin Man!: A Little Bundle of {Joyeuse}

Thursday, August 17, 2006

A Little Bundle of {Joyeuse}

So, Dynamis Windy rolled around again. I was hoping against hope to possibly expand my Relic collection to include the PLD boots as well. However Windy is never kind to me, and produced not only zero PLD drops, but only autolotted two bills to me as well. Talk about insult to injury...

So, I figured the day was done. I was bored, it was my day off, I went to take a nap since I didn't want to deal with more disappointments in FFXI land. I returned to find Theora (75 RDM / 75 BST) was logged on. Now, Theo and I had just gone and destroyed my Staff WS mob, so I figured maybe she was interested in camping Charby. We both needed the sword, and in the event we actually got one, my craptastic lots almost ensured she would win it. She seemed bored, and agreed to head down. One RDM down, one NIN and BRD to go. Now, there might be a thousand NINs on the server, it seems I dont know many of them... It just so happens that the one LS NINs who usually isn't on all that much popped on. Pilfer didn't have alot to do at the time, so he came down. Now, we went down at about 7:00pm and discovered after the fact that the spawn window opened at 9:15pm. Great. Well, in the meantime we got our other LS RDM Hiroaki and LS BRD Shelden to start heading down. The time for the window rolled around and people seemed to start comming to check for a pop. Wouldn't you know it but one of the first pops in the window was Charby. o.o A few minutes later our crew got there, and we were ready to engage as RDM, RDM, NIN, BRD, PLD.

Wouldn't you know it though, the other placeholder spawned making a clean pull all but impossible. With the gilsellers in the area getting antsy, we decide to pull, me taking the add, and our NIN taking Charby. Just as I voke the add, the gilsellers voke Charby and engage. What the crap? It's a few NINs and a few WHMs, what do they need a Joyeuse for? Can they even take Charby? Well, it turns out they were just messing around, the NINs 2 houred making charby lose a good few points of life and go unclaimed again. Pilfer immediately claimed and went to work. After managing to solo the add with some ballad assistance, I went to work curing Pilfer and laying out the occasional flash. Things went pretty smooth for the first 50% health, but then another huge group showed up, and apparently were hoping we would wipe. The additional lag didnt help things, as Pilfer got to under 200 HP a few times. Top it all off, with Charby at 25% health, the other placeholder pops _again_ and is really close to the action. I rest up, take the add, and before I finish killing it Charby is down! Joyeuse (and a pearl) drop!

So, time to lot. I've had crappy luck with this lot in the past, and so has Theora. I decided to let Theo lot first, and this is how it went:

Whoa... I really didn't believe it, my crappy lotting had finally won me a lot in something that mattered! ...and by a whopping 17 bid point too! I was really happy, but felt kinda bummed for Theo. It should be alright though, since we know TrueRune can take Charby now, it's just a matter of getting people together for it. It's cool to see what your social LS can do sometimes, isn't it? I know I'll be down there many more times since about four more people in the LS want the sword...

Afterwards, Tuufless hearing my good news decided to head to the meadows and play with out pointy swords. It was nice taking some time to fool around with Tuuf, I can tell he definately doesn't want to leave just yet, but maybe the Tuuf will return someday in all his shortness glory...

We took the time to stop by Willriker's CoP Airship battle run. After a good dry run, they headed in and wiped the floor with the airship. Good job on the clear guys! (...with a PLD might I add...) Maybe our shattered groups can combine to go through the rest of CoP, who knows... Until then, I'm just going to enjoy my new toy (that matches my outfit too!)


Blogger Arwenne said...

Wow. O.O Damn, that looks good. :D

Congrats! :D

12:28 PM  

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