SeraphPDH: Paladin Man!: Slow day at the office...

Tuesday, August 15, 2006

Slow day at the office...

So, I realized I haven't posted an update in about a month. Now, looking back I feel there really wasn't any event important enough by itself to make a post about, but group them together and I guess I have some tasty material. ^_^

Anyway, where to start? I need a nice picture or something. Oh, I know!

I actually decided to cowboy up this year during the summerfest event and get to goldfish scooping. I managed to get enough Goldfish Sets (240 points in fish, ugh) to make three bowls. I made two "Fighting Fish Tanks" (Right Bowl) and a single "Goldfish Bowl" (Left Tank). I gave one of the bettas to Ararith for helping me scoop goldfish one day. Getting Woodworking to 20 wasn't especially fun, but making 3 signed furnature pieces was worth it. They have made a pretty addition to my already cluttered Mog House.

In other news, I also (finally) got around to unlocking the Retribution staff weapon skill. I have had the latent broken for some months now, but could never get a party together to fight the NM needed. Theora in my LS offered to take her BST75 out there and solo it, and by george did it. I must say, it was quite an impressive feat, and many animals were harmed in the obtaining of this WS. Nice work Theo. ^^

A few weeks ago I managed to scrape together enough gil to finally buy a Hauby too. (Again, thanks Ararith ^^) It adds to my DD PLD setup I am working on, and hopefully will get to test out once i crack PLD75 and NIN 37.

I must say though, FFXI has been kinda slow. The new patch with the new missions was fun, but short. It did give me a reason to get all five runic portal teleports though. I'm still awaiting the chocobo raising update for something to do. Ever since my sky LS broke up, Ive been a tad bored ingame. Dynamis keeps me occupied, but it seems I can never manage to get a drop, or win the lot when things drop. XD With alot of people on vacation, it makes the game a tad boring, and losing Tuufless this week to the maelstrom of real life isn't exactly exciting either. :_: We will miss you tarutaru. /wave

Hopefully, in the comming weeks, I can get some money back together, and get my butt leveling to get some of those new merits. Should be fun, and I am about 16K tnl 75 too... Hmmm...


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