SeraphPDH: Paladin Man!: Jailer of Procrastination

Thursday, September 20, 2007

Jailer of Procrastination

Been awhile since I last posted. I haven't had a ton of time to play ingame, but I have managed to get a few things accomplished. I finished the ToAU missions. (Picked the mage ring because the melee one just isn't good enough to warrant losing Autorefresh in Assault type areas). I also managed to get my hands on the RDM Relic Gloves, and a Moldy Earring recently. Yes, yes... I have become semi-serious recently about my claims of leveling RDM. I'll address that in a future post though...

I also was able to watch Ararith finish her CoP missions through to CoP 8-2. You know what that means... Hot Limbus Action. It was fun getting to watch and listen to her do the fights leading up to the Omega/Ultima fight, and Tenzen. Her semi-static did pretty good (Diabolos through The Three Paths in a little under 2 weeks), but I ultimately feel it will breakup now that people have Sea access. Certain members of her static were unsatisified with their progress (as fast as it may have been) and deserted the group before the O/U fight. Luckly, we have friends in high places and my Sky shell is all too happy to get another person or two Sea access for farming there. They made short work of the fights with the additional manpower, and that's that. She has told me she already has the Rajas Ring bookmarked, and I can't blame her. A Tamas Ring is all but useless on BRD, and who wouldn't want a Rajas for DRG after the 2 handed weapon update?

On a closing note, more details about the new expansion are comming out. Rumors of the new potential Avatar Atomos, and pictures of one of the new jobs (Looks to be a dancer type class, what it gets officially called is anyones guess) are starting to surface. I'm not too worried about it at the moment, since we have 2 months until the expansion comes out. You could say I've been chilling out waiting for forthcomming details...

I'll try to make a more detailed post soon, most likely with details describing my RDM plans, and expansion information. I just recieved my new widescreen laptop, so between fighting with Vista, an 8000 series GeForce graphics card, and DirectX10, it's been an uphill battle. FFXI runs on it (Amazingly), but the framerate kinda dies with more than a few people onscreen. I'll have to try to mess around with the registry and my graphics drivers a little more to polish things up. Details as they become available...


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