SeraphPDH: Paladin Man!: The Elvaan Perspective

Tuesday, March 21, 2006

The Elvaan Perspective

Reading the Blog kept by Tuufless: I felt the need to try out the art for myself. While my writing and storytelling skills may not be up to par, it should be a nice counterpoint or at worst, a nice second perspective of the happenings of the TrueRune Linkshell and the FFXI Odin Server in general.

So, with all that out of the way, a little about myself. I am a Paladin/Warrior in the TrueRune Linkshell on the FFXI Odin Server. My current level as of this posting is PLD71/WAR37. A list of the events I hope to complete in the near future are in no particular order:

- Level PLD to 75.
- Level RDM to 37. (...and WHM & BLM to 18 to assist this task... -_- )
- Level NIN to 37.
- Finish buying my PLD gear. (Gigant Mantle & some HP earrings.)
- Get the Rare/Ex PLD gear ( Koeing Head & Hands, Crimson Legs & Feet, Joyuse.)
- Attain "Sea" Access and finish CoP missions. (...and bag one of those awesome rings...)
- Finish "Sky" missions after ZM14 and take a shot at completing "Divine Might".
- Level NPC from current level of 62 'Soothing Healer' to 65 'Soothing Healer'.
- Complete all Dynamis zones and gain all 5 pieces of Paladin Relic Armor.
- Buy the new FFXI: ToA Expansion (Goodbye $30) and explore the new content.
- Be a better tank than Ninjas everywhere!
- Start doing more BCNMs, and EMNs with the linkshell. (Yeah, that means you Tuuf!)

So, as a good blogger should, I guess I can gring you up to speed on the last...oh let's say 3 months of FFXI events as seen through my eyes (in no particular order):

- Attained Sandy Rank 9 & 10: Moghancement San. Conquest & Kingdom Aketon.
- Leveled Paladin to 60 - 71.
- Leveled Warrior from 35 - 37. (Can't have a gimped sub, now can we?)
- Assisted TrueRune's second Dragoon Ararith with her Rank 6 Mission Fight. <3
- Purchase of almost all Paladin endgame armor, thus completing my (not max HP) armor sets.
- Attained Bomb Queen Ring.
- Went on a LS trip to complete ZM4 - ZM13 and do a second set of runs for Hiroaki, the resident LS RDM.
- Unlocked the latent effects on my Sapara of Trials, and my Pole of Trials.
- Attained the final sword weaponskill "Savage Blade". (Still looking for a "Retribution" run...)
- Joined a Dynamis and Sky LS to hopefully gain endgame armor, and help others do the same.
- Cooked alot of food.
- Farmed four (4) Mermaid Rings before they bottomed out on the AH.
- Assisted Ararith (60 DRG) in getting her AF Body and Helmet, and buying her Scorpion Harness.
- Watched said Dragoon farm more Gausbit Grass than a Jeuno could even hold... (edit, edit, edit, edit...)
- Won the hearts and minds of countless fans. ¬_¬
- All that other stuff I am sure I forgot...

So, I think that brings us up to speed here. I intend to post my upcomming adventures as I have them. Until then...

...But seriously folks, I also made the blog to be able to respond to Tuuf's posts. ¬_¬


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